
             Challenge yourself with something you know you could never do, and what you’ll find is that you can overcome anything.

 I am Mariam Elsayed. An Egyptian who resides in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai to be more specific. I lived here almost all my life, and I only caught a glimpse of my home country when I was 10 years old but then I was brought back here in a jiffy. Guess what? That glimpse was not enough. I wanted to see more of my country but I never got the chance. Basically, my parents are both doctors and I am blessed by 2 sisters and a brother. My youngest sister and my brother are twins, sometimes they give me a hell of a time but they are still a blessing. I was forced by my parents to attend medicine school due to my good high school percentage but I never wanted to be a doctor. I hate doctors as a matter of fact. Fair enough to say that they live in the midst of people who are half alive, half dead. Not that I have no sympathy but I can not handle to see someone almost dying. Anyway, to obey them, I attended half a semseter in the college of dentistry and I hated every minute of it. Then I decided to protest and attend the college of journalism instead because it is my dream to be a writer, whether it is facts or fiction lied down on papers or electronic databases, I just love writing. And here I am, in the field of media and journalism and I can not deny how much I like that field even though it is anything but easy. Even if it is difficult, as long as I love it, I will ace it. I think that is enough said about me. I did this web page to show people my writings and show them my view to life and I know no body cares but at least I feel relieved when I do so.